Indian summer

英 [ˌɪndiən ˈsʌmə(r)] 美 [ˌɪndiən ˈsʌmər]

n.  印第安夏(秋季干燥温暖); 兴旺时期,进步时期(尤指在一生中较晚的时期)



  1. 印第安夏(秋季干燥温暖)
    a period of dry warm weather in the autumn/fall
    1. 兴旺时期,进步时期(尤指在一生中较晚的时期)
      a pleasant period of success or improvement, especially later in sb's life


      1. 秋季的晴暖天气;小阳春
        You can refer to a period of unusually warm and sunny weather during the autumn as an Indian summer .


        1. Much as I love this Indian Summer, I wish we had this warm weather in the summer rather than in October.
        2. Indian summer lingered into November that year and the warm days were bright days for those at tara.
        3. Compare with South China sea, the interseasonal variability of equatorial eastern Indian summer monsoon is more typical than that of SCS in SCS strong summer monsoon years.
        4. Instability of Barotropic Atmosphere on Sphere and Dynamical Mechanism of Indian Summer Monsoon Onset
        5. I had to take my holiday late but fortunately we had an Indian summer and the weather was splendid.
        6. We had a splendid Indian summer last October.
        7. The evolution character of height field, temperature and humidity filed during onset phase of the Indian summer monsoon was diagnosed.
        8. Not all autumn days are cool and crisp. ( 3) In late autumn, there is a warm, gentle time known as Indian summer.
        9. During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overseas trade of merchant adventures.
        10. His reputation is rightly enjoying Indian summer in critical esteem.
        11. Relations between El nino, Indian summer monsoon and the summer rainfall in northern China
        12. RELATIONS BETWEEN EL NINO, INDIAN SUMMER MONSOON AND THE SUMMER RAINFALL IN NORTHERN CHINA Some people link the world warming to the El Nino Phenomenon.
        13. Indian summer is a season which everyone looks forward to each year, but on whose exact arrival no two people usually agree.
        14. Influenced by the onset of the Indian summer monsoon, the second jump is found on Pentad 31.3. The onset of the vigorous convection over Indochina Peninsula and its adjacent areas is of very importance to the onset of the Indian summer monsoon.
        15. Wind and temperature changes over Eurasia during the active, break and withdrawal time periods of the Indian summer monsoon of 1979
        16. Evolution character of flow field during onset phase of the Indian summer monsoon
        17. It was the brief Indian Summer of the high latitudes.
        18. Stalagmite record revealed that Indian summer monsoon moved forward rapidly, and climate undulation on a century scale resulted in the change of the solar radiation.
        19. Still the Indian Summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint, turn and turn about;
        20. Meanwhile we step hastily along through the powdery snow, warmed by an inward heat, enjoying an Indian summer still, in the increased glow of thought and feeling.
        21. Interannual change of Indian summer monsoon and the features of atmospheric circulation of Northern Hemisphere
        22. In 1979, the water vapor transport field over monsoon Asia underwent significant changes with the onset of the Indian summer monsoon.
        23. The Indian summer monsoon and the rainfall in North China in summer
        24. In order to research on the evolution character of flow field before and after the onset of Indian summer monsoon, the factors affecting the monsoon onset were analyzed by means of diagnosis.
        25. The analysis of 43-year NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data and the station observations reveals the correlation between troposphere temperature variations and the weakening of the Indian summer monsoon circulation.
        26. Periodicity research of Indian summer monsoon rainfall
        27. The Indian summer monsoon trough is stronger than the SCS one in most factors.
        28. The Indian summer monsoon, South China Sea monsoon and southeast wind on the south of the west Pacific subtropical high in the drought year are all weaker than those in the rainy year.
        29. The spring atmospheric circulation of Northern Hemisphere has appeared some different features for the stronger and weaker Indian summer monsoon years, which will be possible for predicting of the stronger or weaker Indian summer monsoon and the abnormal climate of Northern Hemisphere in same year.
        30. Heating over the western part of Asian region and Indian Ocean south of the equator connect with Indian summer monsoon very well, however, the impact on East Asian summer monsoon is weak.